Mya has always wanted to help animals. Working in veterinary medicine has always been a passion, one that she’s been able to develop over time into a joy-filled career. She loves seeing the relief she and her team are able to provide to the patients we see. She never gets tired of seeing a patient who came in sick and in pain, leaving with their tail wagging. Mya is also a talented graphic artist, and is usually the brains behind our client handouts and other educational materials we use at the hospital.
At home, she has three cats, several freshwater fish, a tarantula, a milk snake, and a bearded dragon. Her most recent additions to her animal family are Wasabi the betta fish, and Kilala, a tiny kitten Mya has cared for since she was born.
When Mya’s not working, or taking care of her zoo, she loves crafting projects, reading, and watching Netflix.