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So far Alpine Animal Hospital has created 70 blog entries.

Treat Time! Pet-Safe Holiday Foods

During the holidays, pet owners are inundated with warnings about classic seasonal ingredients that could harm or poison their pets. And, although recognizing toxic and dangerous foods is critical for your pet’s safety, knowing which holiday helpings you can confidently share with your pet is also important. Fortunately, you have many options and will find [...]

8 Signs that Indicate Your Pet Needs to See a Veterinarian

Your pet can’t talk, but they still can tell you when they need veterinary care. Our Alpine Animal Hospital team wants your four-legged friend to get the care they need when they need it, and we explain signs that indicate your pet needs veterinary attention. #1: Changes in your pet’s eating or drinking habits Any [...]

Battle of the Bulge: The Growing Problem of Pet Obesity

Maintaining a healthy weight is a challenge. Domesticated cats and dogs have a more difficult time controlling their weight than their wild ancestors, mainly because they are less active and often have unlimited access to food. In addition, pets often suffer from various health conditions that make weight loss tough.  Despite the difficulty of helping [...]

6 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Your Pet’s Birthday

While you show your pet you love them each day, celebrating your furry pal’s birthday or gotcha day can be a fun and meaningful way to honor their special place in your heart. Before you reserve the entire dog park and buy all the paw print decor at your local party supplies store, put yourself [...]

Rooting Out Rodents: Rodenticide Toxicity in Pets

Mice, rats, and other rodents may be small in size, but they can cause a huge amount of destruction. Not only can rodents damage your home and belongings, but they can spread harmful diseases and parasites to you and your pet. If you have a rodent problem, you naturally want to eradicate these destructive disease [...]

Stop Bugging Me: Bug Bites in Pets

Your pet is a champion hunter and a fierce predator, and can take down any prey that wanders across their path. However, since your furry friend has been domesticated for millenia, their prey now largely consists of catnip mice, wayward socks, and insects. When bugs creep inside your home, your vicious pet springs into action [...]

3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Pet Safe on July Fourth

July Fourth is right around the corner, which means you’re busy preparing a cookout menu, plotting the best spot to watch the parade, and getting the pool ready for relaxing. However, you should also consider pet safety. While making plans to keep your furry pal safe during the holiday festivities may not top your to-do [...]

What to do if You Find a Tick on Your Pet

Spending time outside with your pet is great. However, tiny, unwelcome threats abound. Ticks enjoy the outdoors too and are always on the lookout for their next meal. Therefore, after spending time outdoors—even if your pet is on a parasite preventive—you should always check their fur to ensure no ticks have latched on to your [...]

Importance of Pet Wellness Screenings

Scheduling your pet’s wellness exam may seem unnecessary, but these visits are a vital part of your pet’s health care plan and help optimize their quantity and quality of life. Our Alpine Animal Hospital team wants to ensure your pet has a happy, healthy, and productive life, and we explain what to expect during a [...]

What Owners Should Know About Pet Toxins

Many items found around the home are toxic to pets, and can be life-threatening if your pet ingests one. Our Alpine Animal Hospital team is devoted to keeping your pet happy and healthy, and we provide information about common pet toxins and steps you should take if your pet is affected. Human over-the-counter medications can [...]

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